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Don't Try to Lead Where You're Not King

Numbers 16:1-3a, ESV

Now Korah the son of Izhar, son of Kohath, son of Levi, and Dathan and Abiram the sons of Eliab, and On the son of Peleth, sons of Reuben, took men. And they rose up before Moses, with a number of the people of Israel, 250 chiefs of the congregation, chosen from the assembly, well-known men. They assembled themselves together against Moses and against Aaron…


1 Samuel 24:3-6

And he came to the sheepfolds by the way, where there was a cave, and Saul went in to relieve himself. Now David and his men were sitting in the innermost parts of the cave. And the men of David said to him, “Here is the day of which the LORD said to you, ‘Behold, I will give your enemy into your hand, and you shall do to him as it shall seem good to you.’” Then David arose and stealthily cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. And afterward David’s heart struck him, because he had cut off a corner of Saul’s robe. He said to his men, “The LORD forbid that I should do this thing to my lord, the LORD’s anointed, to put out my hand against him, seeing he is the LORD’s anointed.”


Let’s compare Korah and his band of rebels to David and his band of men. Both men were God-appointed leaders. Korah was a Levite, from the tribe appointed as spiritual leaders to the people of Israel. David was the man chosen and anointed by God to be the future king of Israel.


But that’s where their similarities end. 


Korah started a rebellion against leadership.

David stopped rebellion against leadership.


Korah raised himself up (in pride) against the leadership God had assigned—and God brought him low.

David lowered himself (in humility) in submission to the leadership God had assigned—and God raised him up.


Korah stewarded his leadership poorly.

David stewarded his leadership wisely.


We can’t try to lead where we’re not king. We can’t try to take authority that isn’t ours to take. 


We have to lead well where we’re assigned—and leave the assignments to God. When we steward well the assignments we’re given, God will give us more.


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