Tell Someone Your Story
Revelation 12:11a, ESV
And they have conquered him [Satan, the accuser] by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony
Did you know that over 50% of the Bible is considered historical narrative?
Yep, God used historical narrative (storytelling!) vastly more than any other literary genre in the Bible. And Jesus used storytelling (through parables) to teach truth all throughout the gospels.
Stories are powerful. They have power because they’re relatable. They have power because they exemplify. They have power because they teach and testify all at the same time.
When the power of Jesus intersects our lives, we have a testimony. It happens at salvation, and it happens again and again after that—every time God does something awesome in our lives. And those testimonies have power. Telling those testimonies has power. The word “word” :) highlighted in the verse above comes from the Greek word logos, and it means "a word that is spoken."
We have to speak our testimony. We have to tell our stories.
When we tell someone how God chased us down and changed our life, Satan is overcome again in our life and in the life of the one who is listening.
When we tell someone how God healed us from our shame and brokenness, Satan is overcome again in our life and in the life of the one who is listening.
When we tell someone how God provided when we didn’t have enough, how he showed up when we were out of options, how he sent peace when there should have been no peace—Satan is overcome again in our life and in the life of the one who is listening.
So don’t be afraid to tell someone your story. There’s power in it for you, and there's power in it for someone else!
Oh Lord, please give us opportunities to tell our stories. And when those opportunities come, give us the discernment to notice them and the boldness to seize them. Amen.