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Persistence Begets Awe

Acts 2:42-43a, ESV

And they devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers. And awe came upon every soul,


It was the birth of the Church, and awe came upon every soul




Do you feel awe of God on a regular basis? Or is awe a feeling which has subsided into the backdrop of years and the nostalgia of memories? If we continue reading the verses which follow the ones above, we'll see many other things which occurred during this initial birth of the Church:


signs and wonders

extravagant generosity

faithful fellowship

gladness of heart

praise of God

favor with people

daily salvations


No wonder they were continually filled with awe. It was a beautiful, divine cycle, but it was all contingent upon one thing—devotion.


Devotion to learning.

Devotion to fellowship.

Devotion to prayer.


I want to show you what Helps Word-studies says about the Greek word which has been translated devoted here:


[devoted] "means 'to continue to do something with intense effort...despite difficulty – to devote oneself to, to keep on, to persist in...'"


Devotion isn't easy. It doesn't happen on accident. Devotion requires intense effort and persistence despite difficulty.


I don't know which of the the three things mentioned in the above verse—learning, fellowship, and prayer—are the most difficult for you in this season of your life. There are SO many things which can contribute to making these things difficult. Lack of time can hinder our devotion to learning about God. Hurt at the hands of Christians can hinder our devotion to fellowshipping with them. Confusion at the ways of God can hinder our devotion to communicating with him through prayer. 


Let me just say this: I've been there. And at some point in our lives, we will all be there—often multiple times.


So can I challenge you today?


Please, please persist. Your persistence matters. It matters because of that list of things above which go along with this type of awe-filled, devoted life—especially the addition of souls coming to know God. When we live devoted, awe-filled lives, people notice. Our awe rubs off on others. Our gladness of heart rubs off on others. We have favor with people, and people are added to the family of God. It's the incredible, divine cycle meant to add joy and value to our lives, while adding souls to the Kingdom of God.


So, if you need to replace something which is taking your time so that you can consume the Word of God in its place, then just do it. It will be worth it. If you need to open yourself back up to the Church, then just do it. It will be worth it. And if you need to open yourself back up to talking to God again—even if you have to start by bringing your confusion to him—then just do it. It will be worth it.


And watch the awe return. Persistence begets awe. 


We were created to live an awe-filled life. The awe—the high—of our journey with Jesus is one of the only things on this side of Heaven which never has to wear off. It's one of the only things on this side of Heaven which has the power to grow stronger and stronger with time—from glory to glory, until we meet Jesus face to face.


Oh Lord, please help us persist in the things you call us to do, so we can live the kind of life you created and called us to live. Amen.


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