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More Than the Ravens

Job 38:41, ESV [God speaking]

Who provides for the raven its prey, when its young ones cry to God for help, and wander about for lack of food?


Psalm 147:9, ESV

He gives to the beasts their food, and to the young ravens that cry.


Luke 12:24, ESV [Jesus speaking]

Consider the ravens: they neither sow nor reap, they have neither storehouse nor barn, and yet God feeds them. Of how much more value are you than the birds!


This month I feel such a pull to talk about the love of God. 


Throughout Scripture, God repeatedly gives us pictures of his sovereign and intricate care for us by describing His sovereign and intricate care for nature. 


In each of the passages above, God describes his care for the ravens when they cry out to Him. They are not so minuscule that he brushes them off with indifference. On the contrary, He sees them, He hears them, and He responds to them.


THIS is the God we serve.


He knows all, AND He knows you.

He’s powerful over all things, AND He’s powerful over your things.

He’s present everywhere, AND He’s present with you.

He loves all people, AND He loves you.


The God who directs the path of the planets, directs the path of your life. The God who knows the number of stars in the sky, knows the number of hairs on your head. The God who is writing His story across eternity, is writing your story within its pages.


He sees every raven, and he sees you.

He hears every raven, and he hears you.


You matter to God.


You—and your needs—are not minuscule and insignificant to the One who created you.


He sees you.

He hears you.

He will provide for you.


Because He loves you—and He has a plan for you.


God feeds the ravens, and God used the ravens. In 1 Kings 17, God used ravens as his messengers to provide food for Elijah.


What God does for us, he intends to use us for.


What we receive from God, we can give to others. 


We’re blessed to be a blessing.

We receive comfort to give comfort.

We receive grace to give grace.


And on and on and on.


If you need sustenance or provision from God today, cry out to Him. 


He sees you. 

He hears you.

He loves you. 

He will meet your need. 


And then, He will use you to meet the needs of others.


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