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Finding Favor

Psalm 5:12, ESV

For you bless the righteous, O LORD; you cover him with favor as with a shield.


Proverbs 11:27a, ESV

Whoever diligently seeks good seeks favor,


Proverbs 12:2a, ESV

A good man obtains favor from the LORD,


We’ve started this year off with an analysis of our internal state of being and its catalytic importance for everything else in our lives. Last week we talked about the vitalness of pondering the way we’re living—and God’s promise to make our ways sure when we do. Today’s message expounds upon that.


The favor of God is an earthly manifestation of how God makes our ways sure when we walk with him. 


The favor of God opens doors. 

The favor of God draws people. 

The favor of God breeds influence.

The favor of God induces mercy.

The favor of God inspires grace.  

Every area of our lives are affected by the favor of God, and the favor of God cannot be found outside of Him. It cannot be created or achieved. We can’t seek favor and find it. The favor of God is a gift of God and a reward of righteousness. Favor is given.


Remember, our lives are lived from the inside out. Everything happening on the inside of us affects what’s happening on the outside. 

What’s inside of us comes out. 

What we ponder produces fruit. 

The way we walk determines the walk.  

Oh Lord, thank you for your favor. Help us to understand that everything we need is found in knowing you. Help us to value righteousness and to seek you above all else. And pour out your favor upon us so we can glorify you. Amen.


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