Driven Across the Sea
Acts 27:15, ESV
And when the ship was caught and could not face the wind, we gave way to it and were driven along.
Acts 27:27a, ESV
When the fourteenth night had come, as we were being driven across the Adriatic Sea…
You might remember a series of posts we did last year about Noah—that he was floating around for months not knowing where he was going or when he would land.
This story reminded me of that one.
Like Noah, Paul and his companions were stuck on a boat, completely out of control of their own circumstances, and not knowing when or where they were going to land. The difference, however, was that God had given Noah a heads up. Noah had been given time and instructions to prepare for what he would face. He had food and provisions and foreknowledge of what was coming. Paul had none of that.
But with both, God showed up. With Noah, God spoke ahead of the storm. With Paul, God spoke in the midst of the storm. Sometimes God gives us a heads up, and sometimes he doesn’t. But whether he does or doesn’t, he’s going to show up.
And with both, God had them right where he wanted them.
God had a plan. He not only knew right where they were, but He had them right where they were. They were not floating around aimlessly, they were being driven by the mighty hand of God to a specific place for a specific purpose.
You are not floating around aimlessly. God’s got you where he wants you, and he knows where you’re going (and when you’re going to get there), even if you don’t.
The word translated driven in the above passage means “to carry (bring) along, especially temporarily or to a definite (prescribed) conclusion.” (Helps Word Studies)
It doesn’t matter if we know about our season ahead of time or if it seems to come upon us out of nowhere, God has us where he wants us. He is driving us. We are never an aimless wanderer when we know Jesus. Even when we don’t know when or how or where we’re ever going to land, we can rest in the fact that we are being driven by the One who does.