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What Message is Our Life Speaking?

2 Corinthians 5:20, ESV

Therefore, we are ambassadors for Christ, God making his appeal through us. We implore you on behalf of Christ, be reconciled to God.


As an ambassador for Jesus, our message to those we encounter everywhere we go is this: God wants you to be reconciled to him.

Is this the message our life is speaking?  

Is this the message our mouth is speaking?  

Is this the message our attitude is speaking? 

Is this the message our social media is speaking?

Goodness, this is intense. But the intensity of it makes it no less true. 

This is the standard by which we are to live. This is the mindset we are to carry with us. This is what it’s all about. 


An ambassador is a prestigious, trusted role. An ambassador goes out on behalf of the sending agency, country, or person to represent that agency, country, or person in an honorable and accurate manner. An ambassador speaks and lives the message on behalf of their Sender.


Jesus is our Sender. 


We’re entrusted to represent Heaven and take the message of Jesus to the places He sends us—our homes, neighborhoods, schools, churches, activities, grocery stores, coffee shops, etc., etc., etc. 


And, as we’ve said so many times, when we live with this awareness, our life comes to life! 

Oh Lord, thank you for entrusting us with your message! Please help us to live with an awareness that we are sent on your behalf to a people you desire to be reconciled back to you. May our actions and words and attitudes speak that message everywhere we go. Amen.


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